Drake's Surprise Gift: NOCTA Shoes at a Concert

The Unforgettable Night When Fans Scored Free Sneakers

Matt Rogo

Matt Rogo

Drake's Surprise Gift: NOCTA Shoes at a Concert

Drake Drop

If you were at the Milwauke Drake concert, you may have had two wins. The first win was the Drake concert, I'm sure that was hype enough. But win #2, was something that Drake didn't warn anyone about. After the concert was over there was a flashing QR code on the side of the stadium. Drake went full Batman for this LA-concert exclusive surprise.

Who Cares About A QR Code?

It turns out the QR code took you to a page where you had to input your shoe size, and you got...drumroll please...shoes. But at what price? None, actually. Anyone who was able to scan this got sent to a checkout page with $180 shoes and $1 shipping, which was then subtracted entirely from the final price. This brought the NOCTAs down to a whopping $0. There were a few different colorways, including the Hot Step Light Pumice, Slime Green, and Pink Quartz.


Fans Are Raving

As you can imagine, leaving a Drake concert on a high to have him then ship you a pair of free shoes, feels pretty damn good. A lot of fans are talking about their pairs on TikTok, Instagram, and X. Will Drake pull this Batman QR code move again? Who knows. But be wary if there is a giant QR code on a building after a Drake concert. But also stay safe out there, QR codes can take you anywhere. Not everyone is a generous as Drake.